Thursday, November 20, 2008

"I'm Two!"

Lizzy is two years old! Hard to believe. She had a nice party with family over the weekend. She also moved into a "big girl bed" and is doing very well with it. We are so proud! Happy Birthday Lizzy!

Dressing up in some birthday gifts!

Just right!

Big Girl!

Sunday, November 2, 2008


We had a great Halloween this year! The girls are at such a fun age for it. We put a lot of effort into Carly's astronaut costume, and the whole family contributed. We made a helmet out of paper mache using a punch balloon for the shape, cut out the neck and face holes, spray painted it silver and printed NASA patches off of the internet to apply to the helmet. The jetpack was made out of an empty Cheerios box, two litre bottles, and more silver spray paint. Carly received a lot of compliments while Trick-or-treating. Lizzy was in the spirit as well and dressed up as a doctor. By the way, we now have enough candy to last the whole year!

Pumpkin Carving

We grew our own pumpkins this year and the girls were a big help in making Jack-O-Lanterns. It's nice to know they aren't afraid of a little slime!



...and more guts! (Photo by budding photo-
grapher Carly)

Monday, October 27, 2008

October has been a busy month and it isn't over yet! We started the month off by adopting a stray kitten that Brad, Carly and Lizzy brought home from a walk. We also went camping early this month with Brad's family. Brad and I have done a couple of cyclocross races this month (no pictures, though). Also, we spent last week in San Diego. We still have Halloween coming up this Friday, but that will deserve a post of its own!

Best friends!

Sullivan ("Sully")


Sea World

San Diego Zoo

The fam

Lizzy makes a new friend

Ice cream break

Beach Babes!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Love for Lizzy

Okay, in order to avoid being accused of giving more attention to one child than the other, and in looking back through recent posts, this one is all about Lizzy...

Lizzy is now 22 months and full of personality. She is starting to talk a lot more. As far as she is concerned she can speak clearly in full sentences, and you are clueless if you can't understand her! Here are some recent photos. Enjoy!

Lizzy enjoys some corn on the cob in her favorite outfit!

Lizzy counting up the plums,peaches and nectarines she, Carly and her mom picked at a local orchard.

This was the scene one day when I went to check on Lizzy after a concerning span of silence. Expecting to see her into some sort of trouble, I instead found her having a nice breakfast she had prepared for herself and her Care Bear!

Showing that she is a big girl by having a snack at the table.

Tight jammies. BIG slippers!

This is the Lizzy we know and love!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Happy Birthday Carly!

Carly is 4 years old! She had a family party and a kids' party the next day. It is hard to believe she is a true little girl now!

Carly chose Spaghetti for her birthday dinner. Uncle Jeff could not resist playing with the food!

The princess accessories, compliments of Aunt Jen, Mack and Abe, were a big hit!

Kids' splash party

Happy Birthday Carly! We love you very much!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Ballerina Carolyn

Carly took a one week ballet class last week. It was so fun watching her and her classmates dance! She enjoyed it. Lizzy picked up some moves too. She is always wanting to follow in her big sister's footsteps. Here are a few pics of Ballet Week!

4th of July in Pennsylvania

We travelled to PA for the fourth of July and attended a family picnic. All of Tara's grandpa's siblings were there. It was fun seeing a lot of relatives we haven't seen for a long time! We also spent some time at the beach, and Lizzy got to meet her great grandma for the first time in person. Here are some photos from our trip...

Back: Grandpa(Jerry),

Rita, Dorie

Fun at the beach!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Summer is going Swimmingly

Carly started her second round of swimming lessons this week. She is practicing kicking, stroking with her arms, jumping into the water and the all important holding her breath!