Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Lizzy's Walker

Lizzy seems to have found a new use for her activity table! (This is a video. Click on the arrow below the picutre a couple of times to watch it.)

Squash anyone?

This is one of five or six banana squashes from our garden! Let's just say we have enough to get us through the winter!


Brad raced in the State Cyclocross Championships this past weekend. He had one race Saturday and one race Sunday. It was a challenging course and he had a great race!

Anne's Visit

Anne came to visit us this month. We had fun and the girls got to spend some good quality time with their Auntie.

Welcome to our Blog!

I have been searching for a way to share information with family and friends on a regular basis. This seems like it may be a nice way to do it. Give me feedback and let me know what you think.